When someone you met only forty eight hours previously says to you at breakfast in the hotel “that is the first time I have slept through the night since I can remember. Thank you”, you can not help but be moved.
The third Skiing with Heroes week in Klosters for twenty two veterans was a resounding success on all counts. Beginner skiers were nailing red runs which they never could believe as they stood on the nursery slopes on day one. People were laughing, relaxing and embracing the idea that there were still great opportunities back at home. Our job at the charity is to now realise these thoughts.
I can only add that I am incredibly lucky to be part of this charity. We are there to give the veterans an opportunity to ski and then rebuild their lives. Meeting, listening, learning and laughing with them for seven days actually gives so much back to us. A reboot to one's perspective on life. Here are just a few of hundreds of testimonials:
“An inspiration, not only for building confidence but sharing your story with others and not being judged”
“Possibly the best week of my life, I am humbled and moved by the people I have met, we have been treated wonderfully, thank you so very much”
“This week has been a fresh start. I have laughed so much and... It has also allowed me time to look to the future and put in place some goals to help me through the times ahead".
For more details and to donate, visit the Skiing with Heroes site.